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Our Story...

Near Death Experience Leads to more Life, more Choices

TRUTH: Choice is choosing what works for you, that will allow change.

As I regained consciousness, I realized I was in a hospital connected to a breathing machine. I vaguely remembered having difficulty breathing before fainting. I recall feeling what I thought felt like I was passing away as I left my body and entered another realm as I floated upward. I was fearful, not ready to meet God. All of a sudden I shifted experiencing warmth, calm, ease and felt welcomed, very comfortable and surrounded by unconditional love with no judgement.

Calmly I asked “why am I here” God answered, you have some questions to clear up. I began, life feels confusing and difficult without specific directions or answers. Where do we find them? I seek where there appears to be no supportive information. The response, support is everywhere you look, you are surrounded with an infinite supply of options along with the goodness you seek. When it does not seem obvious, continue looking and questioning.

What do you mean? Earth was created as a free choice, free will existence based reality for your empowerment and enjoyment. The clarity, direction and guidance will flow into your conscious awareness through Universal Laws.

The laws (energy) were created for you to have as they will yield and partner with you assisting your personal creation. The energy (laws) will beckon continuous clues and signs to identify and align with your wants and desires. The caveat: use your free will to make choices. Your choices define results! Life is for you. Living by default, is what shows up without deliberate or specific direction, as if swimming upstream in certainty. Look at the results of current situations as a key and switch your attention to change.

You’ve arrived on the planet fully equipped to accomplish you. You have everything needed to succeed at 100%, anchor your plan of choice, be aware and pay close attention to receiving what you want. Never  underestimate Universal law’s ability to navigate and guide you.

You can't get it wrong. The contrast of what you don't want clears the way for what you do want, to choose or make change, you are in charge. After what appeared to be plenty of time I was asked “What would I like to do?” I said what, there you go again with free choice and free will. I thought you would choose, you’re God.

Yes, I AM God but even I cannot violate free will or choice or the Universal Laws, therefore you must choose. My response was I’m returning to my life on earth, I’ve got some things I want to do.

What I learned as a result of my near death experience:

  • God is always for us.
  • Life exudes abundance and prosperity.
  • Unconditional love is all there is.
  • Judgement, shame or guilt does not exist.
  • Life is an experience of choice, creation and freedom.
  • You can’t get it wrong.
  • Free will and free choice is law.
  • Freedom is our birthright.

Audra's experience...

My life's perspective on people is very different than most because of my mother's near-death experience. As children we were encouraged to see the world through optimistic eyes, believing that most people are kind, having good hearts. That humans in general want to help one another, and to focus on what is possible.

Growing up, I was exposed to Christian religion, spiritual teachings, healing modalities, books, classes, courses, and inspired by thought provoking mindsets. Being reminded to look on the bright side of life, even if it didn't always appear that way. To remember that no matter what, we can choose faith over fear. When doubts come up, push into God; he is always present, gently waiting on us to ask for guidance. Keep going one step at a time knowing our miracle is already here.

I am certain my mother's message is one of hope! My mother and I have spent countless hours talking about life's experiences, innate wisdom, God consciousness, and a variety of other topics. What I have enjoyed the most is after every conversation, I always felt better. I could shift my mindset easily, allowing myself  to make small inner shifts, whether through forgiveness of myself or others, or letting go of judgment, guilt or shame. Returning to the truth that there's only unconditional love.

Our living dream together is to share one conversation at a time, heartfelt mother/daughter chats about life, sharing simple practices that have a big impact.

We're in charge of creating our best life. Choosing what we think matters. It's a daily practice of choosing our thoughts, taking small daily actions that create big changes. Our wish is to bring wisdom, simplicity, and hope to each individual.

Our dream is to leave a legacy that no matter what you're it, and you've got this!


"You can't get it Wrong"

There are Countless Opportunities

Our lessons cover all facets of life, consistently posing the query,

-Are you willing to live the life you want to create?

-By collaborating with people and using intuition, we can help discover limiting beliefs.

-We provide step-by-step guidance in addition to using useful tools.

-In order to make various decisions, we provide aid with clarity and new decision-making.

-We support your commitment to your objectives so that you can concentrate on actualizing your aspirations and live them.

-The key is to move forward gradually, taking each day and each step as it comes, and prioritizing conscious life.

-Our gift is imparting straightforward techniques that you may use every day to make your life easier, with an emphasis on you.

-We illustrate, Ask and it is given, seek and ye shall find, and knock and the door shall be opened.  (Matthew 7:8)


           Prepare to Receive

Every aspect of life is covered in our courses, and we always end by asking, "Are you ready to build the life you've always wanted?"

Together, using intuition, we can spot limiting ideas or beliefs that no longer serve you in your current life. We give you easy-to-follow instructions and helpful tools so you can start making adjustments.

It's as if options on a signpost reads,

"This way to receive your daily clues!"


"Who's truth are you living?"

Our intentions...

 -bring mindful awareness to daily life

-bring joy, ease and share the love of yourself and with others.

- remember who you are, its your birthright to have it all

- awaken with the desire to change your reality 

It's time you choose you.

Let creating begin.

Please join us on all social media platforms for our 

Coffee Chats.

"It's all about you"